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Vatican news, daily news from the Holy See Press Office
International Web site of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of Christ
Rosary, The Holy Rosary of the Virgin Mary is a contemplative and Christocentric prayer. With the Holy Rosary we meditate the mysteries of joy, of sorrow, of light, and the glory of Jesus and Mary. The word Rosary means Crown of Roses. How to pray the Rosary, The Rosary prayer is composed of twenty decades of Hail Mary and twenty Rosary mysteries.
Opus Dei founder St Josemaria Escriva, his life day by day, teachings on holiness, apostolate, laity, Catholic Church. Testimonies from Opus Dei members is a growing collection of church membership and religion adherent statistics. Over 44, 000 statistics for over 4, 300 faith groups from all world religions, major religions and most minor religions, listing number of adherents, number of congregations, and number of countries. Includes both world totals and regional/country breakdowns.
The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate
Wordproject offers free text and audio Bibles in the major languages of the world, including audio version narrations without music background or dramatization.
Rome Reports está especializada en el Papa y el Vaticano y proporciona contenidos como noticias, entrevistas, imágenes, vídeos y documentales de alta calidad.
World's Catholic Library. Find saints, prayers, bible, daily readings, catholic news and everything Catholic.
The Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena was founded by Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot at Lyon, France in 1826, at the age of 27. She first founded the Propagation of the Faith at the age of twenty. Pauline as a close friend of Saint Jean Marie Vianney.
God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Catholic Church Teaching, Bible, Catechism, Prayers, Saints, Virgin Mary, Apostles, Pope Francis, Vatican, Catholic News, Life Issues
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has more than 1.7 million members in more than 10, 000 congregations and worshiping communities answering Christ's call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world. Six agencies comprise PC(USA): The Office of the General Assembly, The Board of Pensions, the Presbyterian Mission Agency, The Presbyterian Foundation, The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program.
Women's Ordination Conference works for women's ordination as priests and bishops into a renewed priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church.
Current and historical information about the Bishops and Dioceses of the Catholic Hierarchy around the world.
Апостольская Нунциатура в Туркменистане, Kościół Katolicki Turkmenistan,
Church and State exposes the need to shift the discussion about the importance of secular government back into the mainstream.
Католический Форум Форум catholic forum catholic church Католицький Рутенія Рутения традиция Уна Воче Католицький Форум Ecclesia Catholica Католический Католическая Церковь Ruthenia Catholica Una Voce Библия литургия богословие искусство Римские Папы межконфессиональный диалог семья молитва Волконская Папские тиары храмы архитектура миниатюры
Holy Trinity Chesterton Parish Church
Roman Catholic Womenpriests (RCWP) is an international initiative within the Roman Catholic Church. The mission of Roman Catholic Womenpriests North America is to spiritually prepare, ordain, and support women and men from all states of life, who are theologically qualified, who are committed to an inclusive model of Church, and who are called by the Holy Spirit and their communities to minister within the Roman Catholic Church.
Celebrating 200 years of Jesuit Restoration
Апостольская Нунциатура в России
The Transfiguration of Our Lord Russian Orthodox church is located in Baltimore, America and belongs to the Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
We are a Russian Baptist Church located in Apple Valley, MN. We exist to preach Christ crucified to the unbelievers. Come join our fellowship and find joy in Jesus Christ
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA of the UOC of the USA located in South Bound Brook, NJ
Тайное послание Библии. Наука, религия, мистика. Абхазия - святая земля человечества. Пророческий смысл иконы Рублева Троица. Церковь в истории России. Тамплиеры - строители Москвы и России. Нострадамус - толкователь Библии. Ноев потоп был на Черном море. Жизнь без пищи. Квантовая физика. Николай Федоров, Турчанинов, Мулдашев, Роберт Баллард, Кониарис. Mystery of Apocalypse. Church in Russia and USSR. Satan and Antichrist in Scripture. Trinity and Archangel Michail. Nostradamus - Bible Prophet. Abkhazia
Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia located in Jordanville, NY
Holy Theotokos of Iveron Russian Orthodox Church of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia located in Honolulu, HI
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church in Vancouver, Canada